Bob Noone, a leading adoption attorney in West Virginia, is teaming up with his longtime friend, America’s Got Talent winner Landau Eugene Murphy Jr. to celebrate National Foster Care Month by funding multiple scholarships for foster and adopted students to attend the Marshall University Summer Jazz Camp June 12th-17th.
Noone says that combining his love of music with his passion for foster and adopted children is “a perfect way to help kids make some lifetime memories this summer and give their parents a bit of break!”
Murphy added that “Bob’s generosity is legendary around here, and I’m so proud to join my friend to help give foster and adopted kids in West Virginia the opportunity to attend camp for free this summer!”
Students who attend Marshall’s Jazz Camp will be taught by many of Landau’s touring musicians who will serve as instructors including Camp Director Jeff Wolfe, Marshall School of Music head Dr. Martin Saunders, drummer Jesse Nolan, and bassist Danny Cecil.
Rising freshmen, sophomore, junior, and senior high school students from West Virginia who are in foster care or have been adopted are encouraged to fill out a short application form (with a video or audio clip) at or
Interested students and families can also register at the Bob Noone Adoptions booth at the Walk With Me 2022 event at Appalachian Power Park in Charleston, WV Saturday May 21st from 10am-Noon, sponsored by Mission WV.
Marshall’s Jazz Camp, which has been in existence for more than 20 years, is an immersive six-day, five-night experience geared toward rising high school freshmen through collegiate musicians. No prior jazz experience is required. Jazz improvisation, combo playing, jazz theory, history, and instrument-specific masterclasses highlight the daily schedule. Respective campers can perform at any skill level.
Marshall Jazz Camp will be held in the Jomie Jazz Center on the Marshall University campus in Huntington, West Virginia. Camp tuition is $375. Housing and meal options are available for an additional charge. While the number of scholarships provided by Bob Noone and Landau Murphy Jr. are limited, some may include an additional amount housing and meals for students who reside outside of the Huntington, WV metropolitan area. For more information and to register visit:
The deadline to submit applications is Sunday, June 5th, 2022. Applicants for the Bob Noone scholarship will be chosen by members of the Marshall University Jazz Camp Faculty and Allen Media Strategies LLC.